
7 Easy Tips for a Better Allergy Season

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April 18, 2018

We typically associate allergies with outdoor factors that come with the changing of the season, like pollen from trees and flowering plants. It might seem safe to assume that you can help calm your allergy symptoms after staying indoors for a bit–but what if this isn’t the case?

Some of the most common allergy irritants are actually found indoors, especially in homes.

It turns out it’s just as important to allergy-proof your home as it is to check on the outdoor seasonal pollen count. How can you make sure your home is a safe haven from allergens? It's actually easier than you think! Here are our favorite tips for keeping your home allergy-free: 

1. Use the right cleaning products

Many common household cleaners contain VOCs–-chemicals that evaporate into your air that can cause eczema flare-ups, allergies, asthma, and headaches. This is especially true for scented cleansers and detergents. Check the ingredients list on your cleaning products, or opt for all-natural cleaning techniques.

2. Dust Effectively

Avoid using a feather duster. Feather dusters actually make the situation worse by pushing dust into the air instead of eliminating it. Opt instead for a damp cloth, which will trap dust on contact.

3. Leave your shoes at the door

Dusting can also be as simple as not wearing your shoes indoors. Up to 60% of dust particles are made from materials brought in from outdoors, and many allergists believe shoes that were just worn outside are to blame. Try to leave your shoes at the door every time you enter your home.

4. Watch your humidity

High indoor humidity can lead to mold and mildew growth, which can trigger allergies. Try to keep the humidity levels in your home between 20% and 60%.

5. Vacuum Properly

Be careful vacuuming. When you vacuum, dust and hold that has settled in your carpet can be uprooted and blown around your house–and can take hours to settle back down. Try to wear a mask when you vacuum, and look into buying vacuums with a HEPA filter built in to catch dust.

6. Choose the right plants

Certain indoor plants have actually been known to make allergy symptoms worse--and many of these plants are very common! Read our list of the 5 houseplants to avoid for a better allergy season.

7. Change your filters often

Most allergists recommend changing the air filters in your home’s heaters and air conditioners at least every 3 months.

Take Control of the Air You Breathe

Indoor allergens are difficult to spot because they can be small air particles. The best way to keep track of the allergens in your home is with an indoor air quality monitor, like Awair.  Awair tracks indoor air quality in real-time and provides tips to help you stay safe and healthy all year.
